There are two types of job skills, professional skills is usually only the basic conditions, but also with soft skill, will work well.
Schools can teach you, nothing more than professional knowledge. However, the workplace, "hard lining" of professional knowledge but also with "soft skills" (soft skill), to its head.
Expertise in a job you have the basic conditions, but to have outstanding performance, in order to succeed, we must rely on soft skills.
For example, the "strategy independent thinking" can help you cope with the ever-changing competition, "Problem solving" can help you almost always overcome the problem, "service force" to help you win customer loyalty, "innovative thinking ability," you become the organization soul, "planning ability" to devise strategies you will be trained before, "leadership" is in charge of the road leading to the necessary conditions.
Strategic thinking ability 鈹?a turn to head
Innovative ideas of the times, only exercise its own strategy thinking ability, breaking the existing concepts and common sense to solve the difficult problem after another challenge.
To train "strategy of independent thinking", the most commonly used is the "Multiple Reflection Method."
In short, everything should not expect only one answer, but thought to be many, created the possibility of complex solutions.
A turn, a world different. To foster a pluralistic thinking, we must first abandon past habits, learn to stand in different positions and perspectives.
Sometimes, out of office workers may wish to frame their own role, from supervisors, customers or colleagues to rethink the position of competitors, will find their blind spot, the new strategy has emerged.
HP Enterprise Systems Group, Education and Training Manager Li Yi Liang suggested that the opportunity to be more and different world, departments, life backgrounds, to cooperate, not only expand the horizons, but also nurture pluralistic tolerance.
Cultivate the habit of thinking and writing at the edge, always record good idea, good ideas, but also help train multiple senses. Light in the head thinking, it is easy into a dead end, moving further narrow into a dead end, as the ideas are written down, allowing you to grasp the overall image of multi-angle.
Problem solving ability for problems solved 鈹?br />
Problem solving skills to train, the first step must be the logical reasoning ability to analyze problems.
Ability to look very abstract logic, in fact, from the daily life practice. For example, every day, many do, but things should be prioritized, how to arrange the order, so that the distribution of the time most do, is a practice opportunity.
"Telling Stories" and "writing" is also good training. Story, to put it orderly; write articles, to write and clarifies; this test of your logic in capacity.
In addition, the "logical tree" is also a great training tool. Through a clear tree structure, the matter of "the size of relations," "causal relationship" and "class relations" clearly show. Not only in the job, or even daily life problems, it can use logic tree, step by step to find causes and solutions.
Sophisticated services, the police force 鈹?facial, Care
When companies have to "customer service" as its highest guiding principles, service companies employing force has become popular features. Not only hotels, airlines and other traditional emphasis on service power service, the financial sector financial specialists, engineers, customer service industry, to have outstanding performance, also depend on the service force.
Service force, from the "Care" that is able to stand on customer needs, considerate of his needs. This is not simple enough enthusiasm wholehearted service, the police must also have subtle facial expressions, and the empathy of "empathy."
Grand Formosa Regent Taipei president Pansi Liang said, "the best service hotel is touched the hearts of customers, but from the heart, and always for the customer, is the best way." Such as Regent hotel room "pillow menu", is thoughtful business customers After a day to run around, can sleep safe and sound sweet to feel, so let the guests choose the most comfortable and most suitable pillow.
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